Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Training Meetings

Things are wrapping up, and we are nearly done going through all of our music. It is quite a change from choir, where we would practice and practice one song for weeks to have it ready for Sunday, but here we go through a song once or twice, or maybe in a rare occasion, we go through it three times. When I first practiced with the team, even before I committed to joining the team, I was impressed by the sight reading, and overall ability of the group, that has a lot of students who are not necessarily musicians, or singers. (don't get me wrong, there are a bunch of extremely good musicians on this team)

We are going to be singing a hymn that Dr. Forrest (from the music faculty) arranged specifically for us to sing in Vienna. It's going to be cool, and we are "pumped" about it, even without knowing what the song is or how it sounds.(note: after singing it this evening, it's really nice but kinda tricky, in German? I think.. with new music, and 6 verses to find your words in)

It's sinking in more and more, that at the end of each day, I wont be going back to my room and sleeping in my own bed... and I wont be going to my kitchen and opening the door of the fridge and looking for ice cream :D

({written tonight} Something that has been rattling around my mind recently, and especially now after really getting all the info on what I'm signed up for is this... I should and must count it a privilege to give up my rights with joy, for the sake of other believers, who we may see as unnecessarily restrictive, as far as Christian living goes. Each day, I can put my khakis and polo on with joy, because God has given me this privilege of serving Him, by serving these other brothers and sisters in foreign countries.)

Another thought is that this is a truly wonderful group of people that God has gathered to minister together this summer. I am excited about what God has in store, and what He will teach me through the impact of this group and other people that I will come in contact with... and I cannot focus enough to figure out a way to end that last sentence in any way other than a preposition


  1. Andy, I don't know who told you that you can't end with a preposition, but in my opinion, it is often more natural to do so.

    I'm excited for you! May the Lord use you mightily and may you grow spiritually as well.

    Mrs. Hurst

  2. Andy, we are praying for you and so happy that you're willing to do this. I pray that you have lots of wonderful memories. However, most of all, that you'll see someone come to Christ this summer.

    We are praying for you in this endeavor.

